Sunday, July 11, 2010

Massages & Vacations, True Peace?

"If only I could go on vacation again; If only I could get a massage...every month that is, then I would be at rest...then I wouldn't be stressed; Then I could simply relax...and exhale!"

These are the things I tell myself...month after after day. Thinking that these things can bring the peace of mind & satisfaction that I so desire. But after experiecing these momentary pleasures, I go back to the grind of life only to feel the same stress & strain I thought a vacation could permanently alleviate.

"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful." These are the words Jesus spoke to his disciples a few days before He was to be crucified. It was sometime after the Lord's supper & he was trying to prepare them for the coming of the comforter (the Holy Spirit) that would provide the peace that He spoke of.

But why did He have to tell his disciples this?

They were in fact the one's who had the priviledge of following Jesus throughout His earthly ministry. They had been the select few that got the opportunity to know Jesus intimately. Why did they need to hear Jesus speak these words?

Perhaps it was because they were beginning to look to other things & people to bring them peace. Perhaps it was because although they had been with Jesus they hadn't really "been with Jesus." They had been with him but hadn't gotten to know Him. Can we in fact be with Jesus...spend time around the things of know like church, Bible study, Christian music & the like and still not really know Him?

I confess this is where I've been lately...ministering to others; encouraging others; preparing Bible studies & sermons but looking to a 1 hour massage to bring me peace of mind. When the real peace of mind I seek can't be found in the things of this world, but in the One who created this world and holds it in the palm of His hands. He is the only one that can massage the stress of life out of our worn bodies. He is the only one that promises true vacation from the grind of life when He invites us to, "come to Him, those that are weary & heavy laden & He will provide rest for our souls" (Matt 11:28).

Yes, Jesus is our true peace & promises to provide us with an experience of peace that we can't even comprehend (Phil 4:7)...but we first have to come!

So what have you looked to lately to provide you with peace? How have you experienced God's peace in your life as a result of coming to Him? I'd love to hear from you.
