It was the dawning of a new day for many as signs of hope literally filled the air, as he stepped out onto the platform with wife Michelle at his side. Raising his right hand before a rainbow colored crowd...he was sworn in as America's 1st African American President. His campaign that was characterized by a four letter word called H-O-P-E, rocked the foundation of this nation by setting unprecedented highs in what was considered to be the most popular election in American history. Yes, he's turned heads and gotten people's attention with the promise of HOPE, by infusing people with the feeling that something desired is possible, in a time when many feel all is lost. He is our 44th President, Barack Obama.
In Psalm 42 the psalmist cries out in desperation and thirst for a living God. His soul that is filled with anguish because of the attacks from his enemy has caused him to slip into a valley of deep despair. Tormented by the words of his adversaries that question the presence of his God, the psalmist has lost hope and does not look to the future with desired confidence.
But as he belts out the cries of his soul...something happens...a change occurs...a shift takes place and he is able to question the state of his soul: "My spirit why are you so sad? Why are you down inside me? Put your hope in God." It seems that with this simple phrase he is able to set his soul straight again. But what caused the dispair in the first place? What contributed to the loss of hope? Perhaps he was feeling hopeless because he had placed his hope in the wrong things. Perhaps he had placed his hope in himself, instead of an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, God!
I confess that the times when I've felt the most hopeless in my life I was placing my hope in the wrong things. Just this morning I was crying out to the Lord in a state of confusion and distress. I felt that I couldn't find peace if it was handed over to me. As I cried to the Lord about my confused state....I felt myself becoming increasingly bitter about my circumstances. I said to the Lord: "I have no idea where my future is headed. I have so many unanswered questions and haven't been able to make a decsion about the things that are on my plate because I can't hear your voice. And I feel hopeless."
And just as quickly as these words left my mouth, the Holy Spirit spoke these words to me: "Perhaps your feeling hopeless because your voice is drowning out mine. Perhaps you are working over time to fix your situation and to line things up for yourself instead of allowing me to bring order to your situation for you. Perhaps you've gotten too confident and feel as if you've got it all together and can work all things out for yourself. Perhaps you've placed your hope in yourself and not in Me."
These words hit me like a ton of bricks...but just as they were settling into my happened...I was flooded by an overwhelming sense of peace as I stumbled upon these words in Psalm 42, "Put your hope in God. Once again I will have reason to praise him. He is my savior and my God." It was in that moment that I knew that these words that were penned by the psalmist over 2000 years ago, ring true today and speak to my very situation. Perhaps they will speak to yours...
"Put your hope in God...He is my savior and God"
To place your hope in God is to place your confidence in Him..."It's to trust in Him with all of your heart and not to lean on your own understanding, but to acknowledge Him in all of your ways knowing that He will direct your path," (Prov. 3:13). To place your hope in God is to seek His face for guidance instead of seeking the faces of family and's to seek His word for direction before you seek direction from your daily horoscope or favorite magazine. To place your hope in God is to commit to trusting Him even when you can't trace Him. For unlike the hope that man offers to us, the hope found in God is unconditional and eternal.
What have you put your hope in? Have you placed more hope in yourself than you have in the One who created you? Why are you sad? Why is your soul down cast? Why are you so upset deep down inside? Put your hope in God and once again you will have reason to praise Him. For He is your Saviour and your God.
God bless you Dionne! ~*Kamille*~