Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Secret of Being Content

So, the Lord had me in Philippians 4:10-13 throughout the entire summer...and recently I went back through some journal entries I wrote this summer on these verses and came across this...I hope it blesses you as much as I did me. Enjoy!

"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." Phil 4:12

This verse hit me like a ton of bricks as I thought to myself, "Have I learned the secret of being content?" "What exactly is the secret of being content?" "What was Paul referring to?"

Paul who had been a persecutor of the church? Paul whose name was formally Saul...Paul who knew all too well what the inside of a prison cell looked like and had the experience of chains being shackled to his feet. Paul, who was called a liar, murderer and hypocrite after he made a commitment to follow Christ; Paul...what did Paul know about being content? How could he speak of being content after having such traumatic experiences?

Yet we find in this one verse a powerful declaration..."I have learned the secret of being content." Perhaps Paul...while he was locked in prison...back freshly bruised from being beaten...perhaps Paul had learned how not to focus on the beating or the chains, but the God who took a beating for us...and who has the power to free us from our own chains. Perhaps Paul focused on God. In the midst of his struggle and situation...perhaps he took his eyes off of his situation long enough to focus on the God who is above every situation. And in doing so activated a kind of hope and peace that one can only obtain when they choose to take their eyes off of their circumstances and place them on the creator who is greater than our circumstances.

Maybe Paul did this and as he began to focus on the creator and reflect on His character...on the fact that He is faithful and that He does not change; That He holds all power in his hands and that "He has plans to prosper us and not to harm us to give us a hope and a future," Jeremiah29:11. Perhaps as he thought about these things he became content.

You see the secret of being content is really no secret at all...but it's a choice that we make...a choice not focus on our circumstances or problems but the God who is greater than our circumstances and problems!

So this day I'm choosing not to focus on my problems but my God who shall supply all of my needs…I'm choosing to be content in Him!

How about you? Will you join me in this?

1 comment:

  1. Read this scripture several times and heard it preached but never with the focus of CHOICE. That focus on CHOICE changed it all for me. We choose to focus on too much stuff and most of the stuff that we choose to focus on is not for our good. In fact, much of what we focus on creates in us an overwhelming sense of fear and even a sense of anger/resentment. But God, the one person we choose not to focus on and even choose to run from, is the very focus CHOICE that keeps us grounded, uplifted, and puts life's obstacles in their proper perspective (under our feet). God prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemy; our cup (not the enemy’s but Our Cup) runs over. Perfect Timing Rev.

    I pray that God's Holy Spirit will help me to CHOOSE to focus on God. Good Word God via Dionne your servant. God, may you continue to bless her with new illumination that she may continue to bless your people for your glory. AMEN.

