Sunday, December 13, 2009

Caught in the Middle

"So because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth."-Revelation 3:16

It was a Monday morning and I had just come home from a great work out at the gym. I had done my 40 minutes of cardio and even lifted a few weights to exercise my upper body. So naturally, by the time I made it home from the gym I was extremely hungry. So much so that I could already taste the delicious meal I was going to warm up in the microwave. My husband had made dinner for us the night before and I could taste the catfish and mixed vegetables in my mouth. I was so excited to eat that I quickly put all the contents of my meal onto a paper plate and placed it into the microwave. One minute and thirty seconds should be enough, I thought to myself as I punched the numbers on the key pad and pressed start. I fixed myself a glass of water and cleared my spot at our kitchen table, eagerly waiting for the loud "beep" to sound, letting me know my food was finished. Just as I wiped the table down and cleared my seat, the microwave "beeped." I opened the door, reached in to gather my plate, grabbed my utensils and sat down to enjoy my delicious meal. I had everything I needed and it was just a matter of moments before I would be enjoying my delicious meal...or so I thought...
I picked up my fork, dug into my first piece of fish, and brought it up to my mouth to enjoy the savory flavors of all of the herbs and spices my husband had used to make this delicious food. But to my surprise, as I bit into my first piece of fish, I did not get what I was expecting...for the fish was not was not cold...but it was the wasn't as if I had left this fish in too long causing it to burn. Or as if I hadn't warmed it up at all causing it to be cold...but I guess I hadn't left it in long enough...because the piece I had placed into my mouth was LUKEWARM!! I couldn't believe it, this just couldn't be true...I was way to hungry for this to be happening...I reached down with my fork and put some mixed vegetables on and just as soon as I placed them in my tongue was greeted by more "lukewarm" food. Who wants lukewarm food?

In our text for today, John the last surviving apostle, "the one whom Jesus loved," is now banished to the barren Island of Patmos by the Roman authorities for preaching the gospel. While there he receives a series of visions containing a message from the Lord for each church. In chapter 3, he addresses the church at Laodicea which was neither cold, openly rejecting Christ, nor hot, filled with spiritual zeal. Instead its members were lukewarm, persons professing to know Christ, but not truly belonging to Him. And because they were straddling the fence, the Lord promised to "vomit them out of His mouth."
Similar to the lukewarm food that was not desirable, a lukewarm Christian is not desirable to God. To be lukewarm is to be caught in the middle...not hot...not cold...but lukewarm...not an atheist...not a lover of Christ...but some where in the middle. Maybe you profess him on one day, but deny him another day in your thoughts, your words or even your actions...and it's the constant back and forth motion that cause you to be caught in the middle. In addition, it's the "straddling of the fence," the one foot in the world and the one foot in the church, that cause others to look at you and question whether you really are a follower of Christ. Being lukewarm is not only something that we struggle with as individuals, but as a community of believers as well. How often has the church presented herself before the Lord and to the world, in a such a way that caused others to question her. How often does the church open her doors to one kind of person and close her doors to the "other." How often do we as believers extend our hands to the needly and close our mouths to the persons sitting next to us in the pews. How much do we as believers profess Christ openly within the four walls of the church, only to leave and blend in with the world? Are we lukewarm? Neither hot, nor cold, but caught in the middle...straddling the fence? If so, are we ready to deal with the consequences of needing to be spit out of God's mouth...away from his care and protection?
The good news is that God loves us enough not to see us remain in that followers of Christ, He does not want to see us remain in darkness (as we once were before he entered into our lives), but He desires that all who know Him would "walk as children of Light," for we are now Light in the Lord. And if you do not know him he desires for you to know Him, in order that you would no longer be cold, or walking in darkness.
I invite you to reflect on what it means to be "lukewarm" and then ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you whether or not you are lukewarm. And if so, what changes need to be made so that you do not have to remain caught in the middle. As you pray, trust that the Holy Spirit will give you the strength and power you need to overcome the things that cause you to be lukewarm.
As we move throughout this season of Advent, reflecting on the birth of our Savior, let us do so knowing that He entered into the world to save us, not that we would be lukewarm, but that we experience true freedom in Christ.

What are your thoughts on this? Please feel free to share.

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